Pilgrim Stories

  • Jackie Farrugia

    This weekend together with my friends we walked for the second time the Camino Maltese which ended up being a 36km walk as always impeccable organization and an experience to last a lifetime

    Jackie Farrugia


  • James Portelli

    Lovely turnout for the Universal Peace Walk and the Camino Maltes on 9th March 2024. Thank you Fr Paul for opening St James in Zebbug and Mayor David Schembri for opening St Matthew, Maqluba and tal-Hniena, Qrendi. More band clubs and bars are making a stamp available (Papas, Siggiewi, Maqluba and tal-Hniena, Qrendi, Queen Victoria,…

    James Portelli


  • Georgianne Scerri

    9th March 2024, walked the Camino Maltes in 7hrs. It was a great experience and very informative. Thanks to James for organising it. Onto the next one destination Sicily

    Georgianne Scerri


  • Pierre Farrugia

    Malta 🇲🇹 Join me for the Camino Maltès, an ancient route pilgrims used many years ago to reach Santiago De Compostela . The Camino Maltès it’s 28km long and starts from Rabat then goes trough Mdina, Zebbug, Siggiewi, Qrendi ,Zurrieq, Gudja, Ghaxaq, Zejtun, Zabbar, Bormla and finally Birgu. On the way one has a passport…

    Pierre Farrugia


  • Daniel M

    I happened upon the Camino Maltes as I was researching Caminos in general. Malta, I thought – yes! It made good sense to me as a starting point and I organized things accordingly. The path is well marked and I had no difficulty following it. I did get lost once (only once!), but regrouped and…

    Daniel M


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About XirCammini

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The name XirCammini is an amalgamation of two words, one Semitic written in old Maltese ‘Xirca’, meaning society or confraternity, and the other ‘Cammini’, derived from Italian, meaning ‘Walks’.

XirCammini is a voluntary, non-profit making, non-denominational and non-sectarian membership organisation, open to all who support its aims, whose primary and over-riding objects are to research and advance knowledge and education about and generate interest in pilgrimages, hiking and/or faith travel focusing mainly on the ancient routes in Europe.

Find out more on the XirCammini website:
