Valguarnera Caropepe

Valguarnera Caropepe

From Piazza Armerina the walk continues to Valguarnera Caropepe.

As one leaves Piazza Armerina the walk goes through the Riseva Naturale Rossomanno Grotta Scura Bellia, a forest that borders three provinces: Catania, Caltanizetta and Enna. Within this the Cammino di San Giacomo in Sicilia have erected its Croce di Ferro in these plains before one reach Valguarnera Caropepe.

Valguarnera Caropepe bears the name of the Aragonese Feudal family, Valguarnera, that had title of the area and resided in nearby Assoro. Valguarnera Caropepe stands at an altitude of 590 metres above sea level in a hilly area of the province.

Founded in 1628 by Francesco Valguarnera, it saw a remarkable growth during the 19th century associated with the thriving sulphur mining industry. The 18th century Palazzo del Municipio (the Town Hall), in the precincts of the former Monte Frumentario and the parish church dedicated to Saint Christopher are the main attractions of a town which prospered mostly during the industrial revolution.

From Valguarnera Caropepe one continues north and uphill to Assoro following the .gpx route.

Practical Note: This being a larger town, one may find self-service launderettes, mini markets and diners/restaurants.