Monterosso Almo

Monterosso Almo

From Chiaramonte Gulfi we continue to Monterosso Almo

Like Chiaramonte Gulfi, Monterosso Almo is also from antiquity as evidenced by the 35-room hypogeum in Calaforno. This is the oldest in the whole of Val di Noto. In addition to being a catacomb/burial place it was also used by persecuted Christians as a place of refuge during the Roman era.

Geoffrry, son of Count Roger of Altavilla took custody of the town after the Norman conquest from the Arabs in 1168. It was then known as Jahalmo. His successor, Count Enrico Rosso, of the Sicilian royal family of Altavilla built a castle of which there are no traces today. The Rosso and Chiaramonte families inter-married and the town was renamed Monterosso and became part of the County of Modica.

In 1693 the Sicilian earthquake wreaked havoc to Monterosso and the town was later built at a higher altitude than it earlier existed. The chapel of Sant’ Antonio and the ancient Windmill are remnants of the earlier buildings that still exist.

From Monterosso Almo the road continues to Vizzini following the .gpx route.