

From Assoro the walk continues first towards Nirosia, then steeply down into and steeply up from a valley to Nicosia.

The Nicosia suggests a Greek (Christian) origin referring to St Nicholas who, together with St Felix, are the patron saints of Nicosia. Nicosia, occupying four hills is within the province of Enna at 720 m above the sea level. Historically Nicosia and neighbouring Troina were known for salt mines and agriculture. The area continues to be mostly agrarian.

Founded by Byzantines in the 6th century, Nicosia was also colonised by the Arabs.

Under Norman rule it was inhabited by Lomdards and people from Piemonte who left their mark on local dialect. On the road between Messina and Palermo, Nicosia was always considered to be strategically placed. King William II made Nicosia a royal city and it often gave hospitality to important figures, including Emperor Charles V.

From Nicosia one continues to Capizzi and the Sanctuary of St James following the .gpx route.

Practical Note: This being a larger town, one would find self-service launderettes, mini markets and an abundance of diners/restaurants.