Between walking across four territories in three countries and the maritime crosses in between, the Camino Maltés de Santiago de Compostela is approximately 3,600km long. It starts from outside St. Paul’s Catacombs in Rabat, Malta and, traversing Sicily, Sardinia and Spain, ends in Santiago de Compostela.
Prior to starting the walk we advise pilgrims to read the Camino Maltés FAQs and to also contact us if they have any additional questions or for further information about the route, waymarks, .gpx routes, accommodation, continuing the route overseas, Kredenzjal, Testimonium and so on. The Camino Maltés is a labour of love by several volunteers and a continuous work-in-progress. Contact us for updated information prior to commencing the walk.

Detailed information about each waypoint in Malta is available here and follow the Malta waymarks.

View and download the Maltese segment of the Camino Maltés route on Google Maps:
Detailed information about each waypoint in Sicily is available here and follow the Sicily waymarks.

For more information and KML route files, please visit Federación Española de
Asociaciones de Amigos del Camino de Santiago (Italian Routes).
Detailed information about each waypoint in Sardinia is currently being populated.

For more information and KML route files, please visit Federación Española de
Asociaciones de Amigos del Camino de Santiago (Italian Routes).
Detailed information about each waypoint in Spain is currently being populated.

For more information and KML route files, please visit Federación Española de
Asociaciones de Amigos del Camino de Santiago (Spanish Routes).